How often do you clean your car?

How often does everyone clean their car? Often enough I spend a good few hours every weekend cleaning mine and was just wondering whether I was alone in this?

Normal 2 bucket method and tend to chuck in a deep resin auto glym polish to treat the paint - not sure if this is a bit much for the paint every weekend?
Washing's fine - I'd put a couple layers of wax on after the polish though. This will seal the polish in and make the car much, much, easier to clean. Will also mean you don't have polish every weekend!

Go for megs ultimate wax if you want an easy long lasting wax.
Regular cleaning is once (maybe twice) a week (snow foam/2 bucket/QD etc)

Every month it gets its wheels off and some clay/Iron X

Every 4 months it gets a machine polish and a coat of wax
Wash mine 3 times a week usually,weather dictates how often tbh.

Polishing waxing etc,is less regular as if done properly it doesn't need it too often.
Wash mine 3 times a week usually,weather dictates how often tbh.

Polishing waxing etc,is less regular as if done properly it doesn't need it too often.

3 times a week!! Mines lucky to get that a month, though the weather is always crap when I want to do it...
Wouldn't 2/3 times a week be deemed excessive? Mine hasn't been washed for around 12 weeks........

It has been away having surgery though....
Mines a bit hit and miss, sometimes I'll wash it 2/3 times a month, other times it can take me a while. It's not been washed since How Fast. In fact I only took the tow eye off the other day and I've still got the tie wraps on from where I mounted the camera to my grill!

It doesn't help that I live in a second floor apartment with no outside water tap, so I tend to drive it to the In-Laws and use their pressure washer (so I can use snow foam).