High pitched Squeak at low speed

Hi all,

car has been pulling to the left for a few weeks now but put it down to usual clio quirk. Past few days it's got slightly worse then today at low speeds I get a high pitched squeak which seems to be more prominent if I turn my wheel left. Anyone else had this, could it be the right side wheel bearing? Going to ring renault tomorrow and hope it's covered under warranty whatever it is
Sounds like the bottom hub bearing.. Renault won't fix it under warranty as its a wear and tear part.

If it is that they will also tell you that you need a complete new hub assembly as they don't list the bearing as a part separately. You can however buy the bearings from RSPORT in Wimbledon for around £50 delivered.

Even after you factor in the cost of fitting its still over half the price of what Renault will charge for just the hub assembly.
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