High Pitch Whining Noise


Paid Member
Hi guys,

I have this whining noise coming from my engine (right side close to the throttle body, not the belt side) and the noise sort of disappears/reduces in volume when I press the gas pedal down by 10-15%, but it is the greatest at idling. The car's rpm also bounces up and down on idle. This happened to me after I took out the inlet manifold, throttle body and cam position sensor for cleaning. Has anyone experienced this before? What could be the problem? Was told by a guy passing the car while walking his dog that it is something to do with the high-pressure fuel pump. Does Clio 197 have a high-pressure fuel pump? I don't seem to find the part number.

PS: I also have a P0010 fault code stored with check emission and check injection on the dashboard.

Saw the other thread (https://clio197.net/threads/whining-whistling-noise.54418/) saying could be a faulty pcv valve, I did a simple diagnosis by taking out the dipstick but the whining didn't stop.

Many thanks,
sounds electrical like it is the throttle body.
Alright, I would have thought so too cause the noise stopped after I pulled out the cable into the throttle body while the car is running, and of course I got very bad misfire (not sure if this was a good idea).

Despite the noise, the car still drives fine and it actually got rid of the flat spot I previously had in the first 5% of stroke.
Is the noise there when the ignition is turned on and do you have one of those throttle pedal profile boxes
No dont think I have one of those throttle pedal boxes fitted, the noise only comes on when the car is running, nothing when ignition is turned on.
I just cleaned the PCV valve today, which was full of mayo. There is a small but noticeable difference after cleaning, though the whining noise is still there. I got the chance to put my ear closer this time, as the engine wasn't very hot, and the noise came right through from the black box on the throttle body. The car still drives fine despite the whining noise that wasn't cool at all. Should I replace the throttle body or just drive until it stops working?


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