Hi there :D 2012 content


Moderator & South Wales Rep
Hi everyone :smile:

Just joined here today after picking up my brand new Clio Rs 200 this week :smiley: :clap:

I've come over from cliosport.net because I had a ph1 172 previously.
I'm 21 from south Wales.

This was my ph1:


Loved the car and after selling it, I couldn't keep away from the RS range.

So I treated myself to a brand new Clio Rs 200 with cup pack, and the needed Recaros :smiley:

Here it is :smile:


To say I am over the moon is an understatement.

Love it :smile:
They're not the best pictures of the 200, I'll be taking proper pictures soon
:welcome: mate nice motor you got there.good to see you have crossed from the dark side:jedi: