Help, writing styles on the forum

Hey Guys, im having a bit of trouble. whenever I use a normal PC (Either at work, at home or even the misses laptop) I cant get my writing to change lines if I press return, it all continues on one line as you will probably gather trying to read this. this gets annoying as I cannot find a way around it, but its obviously not just down to one computer having odd settings, as its happening on many... but only ever on this website, it doesn't do it on any other forums. if I log in via the ipad or phone, it works perfectly, but that's no good to me when at work, hence it looking stupid like it is now. any help guys, what settings need to be altered to make life a little easier. cheers
ah, so maybe not just me, its only really been happening the last week or so, but it had a little fit of doing it a month or so back, bizarre!
testing this now

lets see if this splits on to different lines

Seems to work for me. You guys using IE, Chrome, Firefox?
If they are they want banning.

Did you all update to windows 8.1 recently?
MP, it's to do with the tapatalk upgrade you recently installed/VB 4.2.1 and IE10.

Ima upgrade the forum tonight to 2.2 anyway and see if it fixes it. If not, i've already found the solution.