Help needed re rented property :(


Platinum Member
Ok guys I am hoping that someone in here may be able to help with this. Basically my dad died 3 year ago and passed on to me some houses which currently are rented out. After he died I did a gas safety certificate which has now expired. The guy renting the house is point blank refusing access to the property and being a pain. The house is therefore no longer covered by a landlords certificate. So after some digging out I have found the assured short term tenancy agreement which he signed. It states that I have to give 24 hours notice and then can access the property but he is denying this.... the grounds to which are he has a dog! Now unknown to me his tenancy states that no pets are allowed unless with written permission. Which he doesn't have! What do I do...... Evict him on this ground?? Or could he refuse to go? When I spoke to him earlier he said that he hadn't been intouch because he has no credit on his phone after having a £700 electric bill to pay. Its a 1 bedroom terrace house ffs! What is he running there???? Which makes me think he has a cannabis factory or something that he don't want me to access the property because! So do I go to the police and report a suspicion or will I get done for it too :s Am really stuck on this! Can't sleep at night thinking about it and not having a landlords certificate makes me liable if anything happens. I have documented times and dates of communication to try and cover my back but really want to get a certificate and then look at my options

Any help is appreciated but please no silly things like "beat him up and sell the cannabis if there is any" already had that suggestion from a stupid mate and don't think its helpful lol
Give him 24 hours notice, via a letter through the front door, and then proceed to let yourself in at said time. There's nothing he can do about it - if he gives you any trouble call the police. There's no getting out of the conditions on which he signed.

Failing you gaining access, send him a letter regarding eviction.

If you suspect cannabis is being grown in your house, and you aren't getting a share of the profit :wink: , then let the police know. They might not do anything to start, but at least you've logged an issue which you might need if he actually is growing and it goes to court.
Tricky one mate. Legally if you give him 24hrs notice you can enter the property. On the grounds you state you can also start eviction proceedings but if he doesn't leave it could get expensive in legal costs to have him removed.

As for the cannabis factory you wouldn't get in trouble unless you had a suspicion and didn't report it. If the police could prove you were aware then you could be charged with allowing your property to be used in such way.

The electric debt if in his name will go with him wherever he goes but you should contact them as soon as he is out.
if it was me i would seek legal advice first off...

you have a copy of the agreement he signed so thats good on your side

and if i had property i would makes sure i visited them every year before resigining the renatal agreement to make sure the property is still as is :thumbsup:

theres some right dickheads out there :innocent:

ps - i am now in rented accomodation and i have no issues with the landlord checking the place out - in fact when i moved in i did a lot of cleaning and sorting out - he was well chuffed that he had someone that actually took care of the house as its a nice little gaff i have!
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Be very careful if he is growing dope in there, someone set up a "factory" across from my old house, they didnt ventilate the house properly and it ended up costing a fortune to sort out after they were caught
Thanks for ya advice guys, am really at the end of my tolerance with this guy. I had problems a few years back when we had a squatter in a property and after that kinda washed my hands of these and left them to my dad and then bam! back round they come. I really want to just get the guy out of there and then auction the pair that I have on that street. The other one is empty so ain't as much a problem. But its time to say enough is enough. For 3 years I have done nothing but run around in circles trying to sort house's and business's and everything else that goes with it and it ain't worth hassle. Put 4 stone on and its just causing hassle. Anyway, random rant over with. Going down tonight to have a "sniff" around. See if anything else points to him having a grow on. If there is am gonna have to inform police so I don't get dragged into it. And tomorrow will have to give all stuff to solicitor and let them sort it out. Sick of doing all this and 2 people getting any profit from it..... Solicitor and Taxman ppppffft
Thanks for ya advice guys, am really at the end of my tolerance with this guy. I had problems a few years back when we had a squatter in a property and after that kinda washed my hands of these and left them to my dad and then bam! back round they come. I really want to just get the guy out of there and then auction the pair that I have on that street. The other one is empty so ain't as much a problem. But its time to say enough is enough. For 3 years I have done nothing but run around in circles trying to sort house's and business's and everything else that goes with it and it ain't worth hassle. Put 4 stone on and its just causing hassle. Anyway, random rant over with. Going down tonight to have a "sniff" around. See if anything else points to him having a grow on. If there is am gonna have to inform police so I don't get dragged into it. And tomorrow will have to give all stuff to solicitor and let them sort it out. Sick of doing all this and 2 people getting any profit from it..... Solicitor and Taxman ppppffft

you can always get a property management agent to do all that for you and they take a cut BUT it gives you less hassle...
1. as fox says get legal advice, most solicitors will give you 30mins free
2. its highly unlikely he has a dope farm going, most go round the elecy so they don't get a bill and are model tenants paying up way in front so you don't come round.
I think you can gain access if there is a health and safety issue, other wise the tenant doesn't have to allow access. The property will need a gas safety certificate each year but not sure if this can be classed as a health and safety issue. Unless the boiler is a health and safety risk you could gain acces because of that. Just don't force acces unless you have grounds otherwise you will be in the ****!

You would have to go through the lengthy an expensive eviction process. Get some legal advice first!
1. as fox says get legal advice, most solicitors will give you 30mins free
2. its highly unlikely he has a dope farm going, most go round the elecy so they don't get a bill and are model tenants paying up way in front so you don't come round.

not neccessary true, i know people that grow, and they use the electricity as normal. you should be able to smell it if hes got a grow on.
As above Andy, first I'd seek some legal advice before doing ANYTHING. Sometimes doing something out of common sense can leave you even more exposed.

When it comes to the weed, (once you have the legals sorted) I'd do a visit round the inside of the house, you'll soon tell if they're growing, you'll smell it, and even if you don't have a nose you'll still find something, just check everywhere (attic, cellar, cupboards, sheds, garage etc.).

Then between the weed and the pets you have perfect grounds to remove them if you want. If they know that you know they've got a grow on, I doubt they're gonna want to stick around and wait for the police once you've handed them their eviction notice.

Once thats all sorted get in an agency to handle the properties mate, I know they take a cut, which sucks. BUT when it comes to keeping the places in order and sorting the tenants they can be worth their weight in gold if you don't have the time/resources/will to do it yourself.

My sister has had similar issues in the past and now runs through a letting agent, same goes with some mates that own flats in my block. When I rent mine out, it'll go with an agent.
everything I read about rental properties as a sideline or 'investment' shouts stress and hassle.

1. another vote for legal advice
2. I woudn't snoop round unless advised to or advised to deliver notice for access
3. save me some if you find any (ahem)
4. sell up if they're a hassle and if it's a long term investment look elsewhere (pension, equities etc.)

hope it works out quickly