GW 197 now with Cup Spoiler :omg:

Hey all, finally got it fitted, had the car about a month and when looking for a 197 i decided that a spoiler was a must to make the car look the nuts, obviously i got a cup spoiler as IMO its the best looking spoiler. so with help from the girlfriends dad and other guys at his work shop... here we have....
Instructions where thr only bit of english is the fact they tell you they are instructions...IMG_0722.gif
If anyone is fitting a spoiler or has fitted one, where this says 6mm drill bit for the threaded bolts (allen key bolt with black spacer on) i drilled this at 8mm as at 6mm the spacer wouldn't go through the hole (at the thin end obviously) and coated all the drilled holes with this galvanised anti-rust stuff...(from the GF dads workshop....)

i'm pleased with it but, comments....
Thanks Will

EDIT: epic fail trying to put a smiley in title... mod please remove... Thanks