Grand National

I watched it, thought it was pretty sad seeing the dead horses on the track and seems such a waste. I love watching the horse racing but when they die its just not fun.

One of the horses died from a broken neck and the other from a broken back, from what I read they both died pretty much instantly so it could have been worse
Theres a possability of loss of life in any fast sport, would you say the same about F1 if someone was killed today?

The F1 drivers have a choice if they want to get into the car. Personally I find horse racing and horses in general a pointless waste of time, and a way for slightly well heeled people to make them selves feel superior.

I'm not really gonna get on my high horse (lol) about it, as I eat meat, and the industry I work in I spend a lot of time in abattoirs. At least when they kill the animals there it isn't in front of a baying crowd.

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