Golf R

I'm shocked, I've just been in the VW garage and they've got a Golf R for sale and its up for sale for............... £37,995. Are they all this price?. This seems a hell of alot of money for a VW.
I know, Over the road is a ford garage and they have an RS up for sale for 21k. Now which one would i have lol, Prob meg 250 lol
That is rediculously expensive. An S3 would be about £10 cheaper!
I'm shocked, I've just been in the VW garage and they've got a Golf R for sale and its up for sale for............... £37,995. Are they all this price?. This seems a hell of alot of money for a VW.

Sounds about right to me for a well speced one, try going on the VW configurator and you'll see you can easily spec one to 40k and that is without being silly.
i love golfs tbh, i had a mk 4 and i was very impressed with it but i would never dream of paying £40,000 for one though!

good god thats half a mortgage on a small house!
yes ure right there Liambo. something is only worth what ure willing to pay. . . . . how many they will sell is beyond the realms of my imagination lol
One left me at the 'Ring like i was going backwards. :worried:

I love them to bits, VW fan to the max. Had loads of them, last being a Mk5 GTI. But they are very dear.
Golf R / Scirroco R . . . . . stunning cars but not worth the cash.
I do indeed love the look of the Golf R / Scirroco R like you woody but just don't think they are worth the cash! I personally don't even think the likes of the basic standard A4's and A/S3's etc are worth cash.

But i am a VW fan.
group 20 . . . . if you can afford the likes of an EVO this is a bargain.

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