Geo Caching


Platinum Legend
Platinum Member
Anyone heard of this or tried it? Seems like an interesting concept, kind of a world wide treasure hunt. May give it a go next week whilst on holiday ....
My mate introduced me to this. Was quite fun tracking em down but found it a bit 'pointless'. On the other hand a couple of my mates love it!
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I've tried it before with an app on my phone, but generally after spending 5 minutes wandering around in the woods looking like a wierdo, not really knowing what I'm looking for or where, I tend to walk back to the car defeated and in a strop!
Found my 1st 2 caches today. Pretty easy to find. Signed the logs and replaced them where I found them so the next people can find them.
what did you get out of them adrian? soundslike a waste of time tbh unless you have ALOT of spare time on you hands mate/
Didnt take or replace anything, just signed the logs. The whole point of it is to get you outdoors doing some exercise and orienteering trying to find them. I went on the bike and stopped and found them on my route. Been passed them hundreds of times but if you dont know they are there you will never find them! Just makes walking the dog, going for a run or ride a little more interesting.
Looks very intresting tbh. i may try this myself. it'd be somthing to do on the weekends when im a bit lost for things to do!
Didnt take or replace anything, just signed the logs. The whole point of it is to get you outdoors doing some exercise and orienteering trying to find them. I went on the bike and stopped and found them on my route. Been passed them hundreds of times but if you dont know they are there you will never find them! Just makes walking the dog, going for a run or ride a little more interesting.

My missus is in to it big time, she teachs Duke of Edinburgh so I guess it makes that more fun.

She was on about one being in the railings or bushes in a shopping centre by my work?? not sure if she is trying to make me look like an idiot tho ;/
They can be anywhere! Found one on holiday last week, stuck on the rear of a signpost.