Fit a k-tec car back exhaust it's done?

You'll need basic tools, a kettle, some teabags and at least one packet of premium biscuits. I'd go with Boasters.

If you're doing it on the drive you'll need some axle stands and the easiest way to remove the OEM exhaust is to chop it in front of the rear axle so you can take the rear section off once you've removed the Diffuser and then you can just unbolt the front section from the Manifold... NOW, if you've got a Decat then just refit everything as you'd imagine it to go on, an exhaust really will only go on one way. But, if you're wanting to keep the OEM Cat then I think (not certain as my two exhuast changes have been without the OEM Cat) you may have to cut the original centre section after the Cat and then join your new Cat-Back to this and refit as you'd expect.

There's not much to it really. The fiddliest bit is getting the Diffuser off without losing or breaking any clips/screws.

Check it's not blowing after fitting, the V-Band on the Manifold has to be REALLY tight to stop it blowing.
I have cat back only, no de-cat.

How FAR behind the cat did you cut the standard exhaust off?

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I've never had to as the first change was to a Sports-Cat and the second change was to something I rustled up...

Offer up the new system and just cut the old one to suit where it needs it I suppose. Then you'll need to sleeve it or clamp it depending on the joint on that end of the Cat-Back centre section. The alternative would be to weld a couple of V-Band flanges on, which would cost about £20 in parts and then free if you can weld or a ten minute job for somebody to weld them on for you.
Thanks Willis, your a good help. Thankfully I have alot of friends who are mechanics and welders, but it's nice to ask people on the forums and get some research.
No probs mate!!! Always helps if you've got a vague idea of where to start. :smile:
You'd struggle to do it, I haven't tried it but from how the bends go over the axle it'd take a lot of swearing to do it...

It's only a couple of bolts to undo the bottom of the Dampers anyway.
i left my car at an exhaust place to have my ktec system fitted and they couldn't get the original off without dropping the rear axle which i decided to do,its not a difficult job though as willis suggests
It's very very very thin. I got the wrong one and had to chop the flange off my Sports-Cat... If you have a look in my project thread, there's some photos of the new centre section and you'll be able to see the flange on those. Also a few videos too. :wink:
is this correct then with have to keep a part of the old mid pipe near the standard cat to connect up the ktec cat back system?