Few phone pics after rinsing

Today getting my new seatcover on the drivers side, so had to clean my car yesterday. Can't stand if it is not clean whem I bring it to the stealers...

Unfortunatly I only had my phone with me for pics. Please notice, the damage on the side wil be repaired from 19-22 october. Damage was appr. 1000GBP.

But man, do I love my car! :smiley:

The damage after rinsing:

And the two together in front of the apartment.

That's all folks!
looks 99% perfect apart from the scrape ! bet you cant wait to get that sorted it would bug the hell outta me !
£1000! Thats a bit steep, what are they doing exactly?

Getting three dents out, repairing scratches on the fender and the bumper, spraypainting the side and part of the bumper and repairing the scratches on my rim. So I think it's a good price. It really doesn't show good on the pics how severe the dents are, they're a bit tricky.

But, got my car back from the dealer and the seatcover has been repaired! :thumbup:
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Car looks stunning mate! Its good your getting your problem sorted! :thumbup:

I love the carbon fibre and spoiler!

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