Fantasy Partner to...


Platinum Member
Marry, Have a one night stand with and Kill. Whats yours? :tongueout:

Mine are: Fantasy Partner to...

Marry: Freddie Ljungberge


Have a one night stand with: Robbie Williams


Kill: Roy Chubby Brown



raqual welch
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No idea who she is either but hey, that might be a good thing :wink:

Certainly would do though....

Not joking
Ive no idea but these come to mind :wink:

Marry - Michelle Claire Ryan

One night stand - Jodi Albert

Please god kill - Jodie Marsh
Ooooo Gaz - good choices!!!!

Wish I had gone with Michelle, but someone elses' seconds aren't my thing hahaha!
Lol no certainly not mate!!! Gaz got taste haha!

I would have had Megan Fox in the list BUT she has very wierd thumbs!!!! I couldn't ever get past that which is a shame..... for her :rofl:
Lol no certainly not mate!!! Gaz got taste haha!

I would have had Megan Fox in the list BUT she has very wierd thumbs!!!! I couldn't ever get past that which is a shame..... for her :rofl:

depends where she is putting her thumb....:cloud9:

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