Fantasy F1

Hi Guys,

I've started us a Fantasy F1 league up online, its free to join and dead simple to get up and running. The budget it TIGHT so it'll be interesting to see what teams people come up with.

Check it out at:

The "mates league" is called:-
Password: clio

Theres two teams in there of mine (by accident) but I can't seem to remove them, I'm gonna email the admin and try and get one removed :smile:

Bring on the start of the season!
Bring it on willis, I've gone for the same middle of the road tactics I went for last year, so I'm hoping for a closer season up front this year!
That's a point, how did it finish last year!?! :smiley:

I'll log on now and have a look. :smiley:
I couldn't find last years standings Willis, It was basically

1. anyone who had Vettel
2. everyone else

Hopefully switching leagues and a closer season (hopefully) should lead to more spread out points. Theres a different scoring system on this league so you get points for overtakes etc.
Hahaha yeah I couldn't log in for some reason!!!

I think you had the same team as me? I know somebody had the EXACT same team. We won. :smiley:
Sorted my team and had a confirmation email with my password, but it won't let me log in. :worried:

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