EU Referendum

What do people think of it? Would you want to remain in the political union or leave?

I wounder if we did leave, what would happen to the UK "GB" number plate.
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Out for me, if for no other reason than to reclaim sovereignty on immigration, spending, military etc.
I'd imagine Britain will keep the number plate code for ease of travel, it's a european standard not a british one.
I think the UK public would vote to stay in. There are benefits to being independent, however I think there is a general fear about being out there on our own.

I personally am undecided at the moment. I think the memberships costs are ridiculous (£50m+ per day iirc!!!), when there is so much that needs resolving in our own country. Open borders for EU members has been beneficial in that it has brought a lot of skilled, enthusiastic workers to the UK and of course allows UK citizens to go abroad to work and travel much easier.
I think the UK public would vote to stay in. There are benefits to being independent, however I think there is a general fear about being out there on our own.

I personally am undecided at the moment. I think the memberships costs are ridiculous (£50m+ per day iirc!!!), when there is so much that needs resolving in our own country. Open borders for EU members has been beneficial in that it has brought a lot of skilled, enthusiastic workers to the UK and of course allows UK citizens to go abroad to work and travel much easier.

Finally someone with a view other than "Immigrants take all our jobs". Wholeheartedly agree.
we were fine before it and will be fine out of it
not only that we would be ruled by 1 bunch of idiots and not 2 as we have at the moment

as for immigration it needs putting under control we are only a small island and will soon be swamped just look at the pressure the nhs and housing is under - this open boarders is ruining us - wages will always be low if those that come here just work for peanuts and accept it and lets not forget those that come here for using the nhs and for claiming benefits so it can be sent home....I no I anit against just needs controlling better than it is from the uk and not brussells
I dont like the idea of United States of Europe with a president. I always vote for the queen at national elections. :wink: Her politics is by miles better than the clowns wanting 10 downing street:tongueout:.

Here is how I see it.

The argument for EU (a political union i.e different from Europe a continent):

* Peace. Look at the mess in Ukraine and the EU bombing Syria even though we said we want nothing to do with it.

* Prosperity. Look at the P.I.G.S. Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain.

* Sovereignty. Look at the treaty of Rome, its all about making Europe one country, so therefore we would lose our identity (even worse lose Miles to Kilometers).

The only thing that makes me think twice is that if we leave and do well, the EU nutters might punish themselves in order to punish us by making trade difficult but then again Great Britain has the common wealth which is actually growing a lot faster than Europe.

Scotland has threatened another referendum if we leave but I think they were lucky last time as the world oil prices have dropped so by now they would be in serious trouble.
Finally someone with a view other than "Immigrants take all our jobs". Wholeheartedly agree.

It's not that at all- immigration is vital in a globalised society, but what isn't vital is an influx of unskilled labour, we have plenty of that already, you only have to look at our long term unemployment figures. What we need is a point based system which benefits the country like australia, the US or Canada, and that simply isn't going to happen in the EU. Europe wouldn't be able to sanction us for leaving, on the contrary we could end up like Norway, all the benefits of the old ECC without the drawbacks of full membership. Alternatively we could be denied access and have to increase our trade links with growing markets in Asia or the americas, and God forbid we have to actually trade with a market which doesn't drag us down!
Il be voting to leave the EU but i fear the rest of the country will get scared and were end up staying in it.

and i think all this 'trading' talk is a load of crap to scare people! Like someone else had said, we was doing fine before we joined the EU. Wish scotland wld do one aswell
Scotland has threatened another referendum if we leave but I think they were lucky last time as the world oil prices have dropped so by now they would be in serious trouble.[/QUOTE]

Too right Scotland would be in trouble! I live there though I grew up in Surrey & have English, Scottish,Welsh & Irish blood in my veins. Do understand that although the SNP are threatening another referendum it would have no validity if done without the UK government's approval. I voted no as I think it would be madness for Scotland to go it alone. The Yes voters are very vocal & in the Highlands where I live they are very visible but they didn't win the vote. They're definitely on a roll & know how to put their views across but please don't assume that all of Scotland is pro independence.It does feel as though Scotland is sleep-walking into a disaster though as the Yes campaign pulls at Scot's heartstrings & their pride in being Scottish.Maybe federalisation is the way to go.

As far as the EU goes I can see both sides of the argument & have yet to make up my mind how I'll vote. If it was just a free trade area I'd have no issues but we seem increasingly to be becoming a United States of Europe & I can't see that working as whereas Americans seem to view themselves as Americans first & then. Californians, Alaskans etc. we would continue to see ourselves as Brits, Germans etc. If we leave then all those ex pats living in Spain etc. would lose their right to live there as citizens of the EU. The big problem as I see it is that the UK seems to be the destination of choice for those seeking to improve their lives & we just can't keep taking more people into the country. Like I said it's a difficult one & I don't know how I will vote.