As with any finance agreement or loan you can end the term early by paying the outstanding amount owed-
On some finance deals its calculated ( as stated ) on the day or month you want to clear in, other ones are already calculated to the end of term-
All of this will be in the T&C of your credit agreement-
The EASIEST thing to do is ring RCI with your agreement number & ask for a settlement figure-
THis will be valid until your next payment is due-
Once you have that figure you can decide whether you want to trade it, whether you want to try for a private sale & based on a rough approximation of value whether you are in positive or negative equity-
Chances are at this early stage you are probably on a negative equity position as the car is almost new-
however you will certainly not catch up to positive equity very quick at all until the amount of money you pay off the loan monthly ( over & above the interest) is greater than the depreciation curve of the car-
not the nicest of positions to be in, however at least with a couple of calls you can acertain where you are financially