200: ending renault finance early??

argh why is it never easy, just rang rci and got told that they dont take 3rd party payments?????????

so ive got to mess with bank transferes

i just keep walking from one brick wall to another!!!!:jumpon:
I can't understnad why RCI wouldn't take a payment from a third party :huh:

When I sold a car with finance a few years ago, I simply did as maz has done, I got the buyer to phone them, they paid off x amount direct to the finance company and gave me y amount in cash before driving off in the car.
I meant interest, LOL

I seriously doubt any reputable credit company would want a debtor to default on their payments :smile:
lol good point didnt think of it that way :huh:

ive got the end quote on its way in the post so ill go from there
As with any finance agreement or loan you can end the term early by paying the outstanding amount owed-

On some finance deals its calculated ( as stated ) on the day or month you want to clear in, other ones are already calculated to the end of term-
All of this will be in the T&C of your credit agreement-

The EASIEST thing to do is ring RCI with your agreement number & ask for a settlement figure-
THis will be valid until your next payment is due-

Once you have that figure you can decide whether you want to trade it, whether you want to try for a private sale & based on a rough approximation of value whether you are in positive or negative equity-
Chances are at this early stage you are probably on a negative equity position as the car is almost new-
however you will certainly not catch up to positive equity very quick at all until the amount of money you pay off the loan monthly ( over & above the interest) is greater than the depreciation curve of the car-

not the nicest of positions to be in, however at least with a couple of calls you can acertain where you are financially

I wasn't in negative equity at 5 month stage.

RCI will take a third party payment, they took a chaps from my buyer?!?
They even said they would take a card payment from the buyer if I agreed to it!!

Ok- thats good as im settling one this week- already sent a cheque to the owner ( trusted owner that is)

I guess the equity status could be effected by duration of term- on 36 months your more likely to be N.E as your paying less of the car to start..

I think it will be borderline-

remember though the car isnt a fixed price- its a variable-
equity value is only as good as the dealer offers or the OP can sell at!!

Just sold mine, sold it to a trader for my settlement figure. I give them the car and walk.away basically, all good imo