Doh, check the temperature first!


East Midlands Rep.
So, I woke up fairly early this morning and decided to give the car a wash, so got the hose pipe out and rinsed the car down. I then went to fetch my buckets and wash mitt and came back to a very frozen car!

It wasnt frosty when i went out, so I hadn't realised just how cold it was. This was after only about 2 minutes!!

did the same lol, but when i was drying it also noticed some little s@#ts drove into the front, back and opened there door into the side since i cleaned it last week! :worried:
I've done this but it froze as I was using the chamois to dry it. Just ended up moving sheets of ice around the roof. Glad you got there in the end with no cracked glass etc.
It was cold saturday, we were stood out side the garage around dinner time in the sunshine but in the shade there were still a few frozen puddles.