Dodo juice or Auto finesse

Im looking at a new wax for my car, its a whit 197 cup and im looking at dodo juice rainforest ot auto finesse Soul, wich is better

Can't comment on the Auto Finnesse stuff as I haven't used their stuff. But my 'collection' consists of loads of DoDo Juice.

I love their waxes, so so east to take on and off! I take the wax your on about is Rainforest Rub? Which I think is in the basic level of waxes they do. They do do some colour charged waxes for specific colours, for white they have

Dodo Juice Light Fantistic: a soft wax

Dodo Juice White Diamond: a hard wax

I used to use the Light Fantastic on my previous car, loved the smell of it, loved the ease to put it on and to take off. Only thing I didn't like was the durability, didn't seem to last on the paint for 2 months, which is what they say anyway!

Now having a black car I'm currently using Purple Haze Pro, made for dark colour car's. This last's a bit longer and am happy with it for the moment.

Hope someone can comment on the Auto Finesse stuff now
Dodo juice White diamond. It's inherently difficult to get a glossy finish on a White car, which is why most prefere a sealant finish but the White diamond is an excellent middle ground and very durable. I wax my weekend toy once a year and it beads relentlessly for 12 months!
I have used a few dodo juice products and don't rate them at all. If you are looking to spend decent money on a wax I'd look at Race Glaze, Swissvax, Zymol and even Autoglym HD before any Dodo waxes.

As for rain forest rub you can get better and longer beading from Zymol Field glaze and thats just a quick detailer. Although saying just a quick detailer does not do it justice.
Hi James,

As discussed, Rainforest Rub would be a good option, as you'd like a Dodo Juice wax that you could see a bit more easily when applying. Otherwise, I'd recommend Dodo Juice Diamond White.

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I haven't tried any of the products from dodo, but I can only speak volumes for auto finesse, got a few of there products ad they absolutely superb!!
ive got a budget of £30 pounds, (xmas pressie) Monster detail has given me some info on the Rainforest rub wich is not a white colour i belive as im after a differnt colour to white as i have a white car, i dont think auto finesse do a soft wax for under my budget
For white you should have a look at werkstat acrylic kit

whats a werkstat acrylic then?

Also are the dodo juices (rainforest rub) and the auto finesse solu i think its called leave a glossy finish?

Sop cant decide on a soft wax
I've used many sealants before Supernatural Hybrid was released earlier this year. In my experience, Dodo Juice Supernatural Hybrid combines durability, looks and ease of application significantly better than anything else on the market. It's also not expensive.
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I've used many sealants before Supernatural Hybrid was released earlier this year. In my experience, Dodo Juice Supernatural Hybrid combines durability, looks and ease of application significantly better than anything else on the market. It's also not expensive.

then a coat of wax on top of the supernatural

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