Direct from Barbados


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I'm currently sitting in the departure lounge of Bardabos airport and I'm a little bored, just thought I'd say my first hello's for 2 weeks. We both had an amazing holiday btw I shall post some details later, those of you that have me on facebook my have seen some bits :smile:
Check into a hotel there Rich and stay oooooooooo until about April when it has warmed up a little! :smiley:

Just don't do what I do and travel home in shorts, because you will be in for a shock if you do. Its freezing here! :skiing:
Hope you took some thermals for getting back! I don't think you will be able to open your car door if you left it at the airport lol!
Oh its amazing having a holiday tan when the weather is pants, I sooooooooo need a holiday :smile:
Got back safe and sound, twas a little chilly when we got off the plane. Tbf I was still searing shorts lol

I've spent the day sleeping and recovering, I was up for hours with all the delays and I can't sleep on a planem add to that the time difference :smile:

It's nice to be back though, it's Xmas next week
glad you had a good time, at least we havent had any snow this time round !! :smile: