Dipped beams look odd

My dipped beams look kind of strange like they were not projecting well almost like they didnt tail off and the road was either well lit or dark.

The light had an odd bump in the middle of the projection and the right hand side didnt seem to be working well...

As far as I could tell there were no bulbs gone or anything.

I took a picture when I parked up but I am not sure it shows it that well.

Pretty weird. Any ideas?

Do your motors work? If you move the big dial up and down in the car the beam pattern should move
if the dial doesnt move the motor. check that the motor is actualy connecteed to the projector. it has a rod with a plastic ball joint on the end. if this isnt connected the light would just drop down to the lowest setting. which is what yours looks like it is doing.
The dial that makes the cabin lights brighter or lower? And where is the rod with the ball joint in the engine bay? Cheers guys.
no the dial with the numbers on it next to the dial you thinking of. the rod is in the headlight housing. you can see the motor when you open the bonnet theres. a hole for a scredriver to manually adjust it from the top