Dark wheels are so yesterday.....???

Crap picture of car on borrowed meg 225 wheel whilst tyre was being sorted and does make the car look kind of better with silver wheels...maybe...not sure???

Dark wheels are more aggressive looking, the silver look is still nice, like a pair of Levi jeans, will never go out of fashion.
no way, black all the way, anyway, thought u were selling up?

No colour change, just an observation and sick of seeing black wheels now, so bloody clique....Nope change of heart bout selling up....just need to finish bits and pieces.....
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As Henderson said. Look good on the ground but not on the car. Gonna take away from the look of the car tbh.

Regression IMO.
Wouldn't argue with your comments and your probably right....but still hate the whole over-played black wheel thing.....
That's about right for my age group...LOL I guess thats what your get when you curse black wheels on a forum where most of them are black!!!!! Still hate them....

haha i know what you mean mate,a lot of things do start start to look the same,(yawnish!) ....in my youth black wheels were not cool,silver rims will come round again trust me

i've always fancyed gold 18" turini's on mine after seeing my mates white scooby hatch with gold hoops,a lot of money though if it looked pants