Out of interest, does the dump valve you put on make the steriotypical sound? just wondereing as i've never heard of anyone just putting the valve on. Don't blame you mate, love the sound af a dump valve, so satisfying!!!
Out of interest, does the dump valve you put on make the steriotypical sound? just wondereing as i've never heard of anyone just putting the valve on. Don't blame you mate, love the sound af a dump valve, so satisfying!!!
Dont know how many of you have heard about the opening of the Hindhead tunnel but the build has been going on for years and theres plenty of us that have been eagerly awaiting thrashing our cars through it.........so last night Myself (cliosxt) and my mate in his 318 msport took the opportunity
I also recently purchased a JDM SSQV sounds familiar to the HKS SSQV? ......its the same but at a fraction of the cost and this gave me a good chance to find out what it really sounds like (big kid at christmas)
Appologies for the sounds quality you may want to listen on a decent set of speakers.