Clio 200 Cup; Not liked by Dad...

+1 on the above!!
but to be fair, i'm taking a gamble as to whether he'll even let me park it on the drive! lol.
he went on a bus trip to germany, stopped in france on the way for a toilet break, and he wouldn't get off the bus!! lol. "i've never stepped foot on french soil gill, and i don't intend to start doing so now"..... lol.
proper stubbon, opinionated yorkshire man, he is ACE, lol.
Well if its only downfall is that 'it won't be liked by grandparents' I think I can live with that! IMO I would have used the line my parents have used on me plenty of times.... If you don't like it, you can walk! Lol!

I think you really need to drive it on the right roads and it will make a lot more sense. :thumbup1:
When I got my R27, my 63 yo dad took it out and I could hear it bouncing off the rev limiter in the distance! He came back with a huge smile on his face...........
hehehe, my dad said he could feel the hard suspension on mine....nothing compare to the 172 I had, or even a cup model 197!
Your dad doesn't like the 200 cup, not the 200.

My dad in his 60's loves my 200.. only because it's not as crashy when I pick him up from the pub as my 182 with eibach sportlines was.