Clean & De-cat Fitted

Hi All,

Thought it would post some recent pics after i gave her a wee clean and have had the cup spoiler, Xenons fitted and fitted the de-cat pipe today.

Took a while to be honest but im not the most mechanically minded just like to give it a go.

Bought a Draper Cutter which done a great job just got to keep at it and be patient as it takes a while to cut through. Only problem I had was getting the lambda sensor out as you can see in some pics. Eventually had to take it to a local garage to heat up the bolt and it came off no probs.

What next! Hmmmm...........


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Decat on the standard exhaust? I wanted to do this so would really appreciate a video.

How does it drive now? Have you noticed the flat spot most people say comes with decatting?
I will get a video up of a wee run and just the noise from outside but need to be 2mo as its raining now! Lol.

I have only taken it a short run and didn't feel sny flat spot. I actually felt it wasnt jerky on first start up but will get a better idea 2mo again.

And yes i used axel stands which took most the weight! Lol
Nice one! Is it an easy job, swapping the parts around?

What's it sound like? Do you get any popping?

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