Haha think they have enough to deal with, with just me on their case! He asked me if I wanted a call to know when it arrived I said no haha it will only make me worse!! 42 hours till I get it
Well you would anyways as they would need to tax it on the 1st so pick up on the 2nd? I couldnt wait longer than I have to! lol Bad enough I have to wait an extra day as no one can take me there!!!! but gives Renault more time to do a decent pdi and not rush it..... i'm bouncing off the walls nearly!
Do they need my insurance docs to tax, how do they do it for you?
Im away all next week with work so even if it was ready I wouldn't be able to collect until the weekend and it seems stupid to loose a months tax for the sake of a couple of days.
They do. I took out a brand new policy (first car in my own name) so bought it last Thursday or something like that... I had them email me over my certificate then printed off for Monday as I went down to the dealer to sign all my paperwork and give them a copy of my driving license and the certificate so they can get the car taxed Was there like 20mins and was looking at all the clio 200's there thinking yes I will be driving one just like you at the end of the week!!