Cambelt Fairly Standard???

Howdy Folks!

Just got my 197 serviced at 63K km but from looking through the forums it seems that I should be looking at getting the cambelt changed.

Got it serviced at a dealer so wouldn't get anything done there that takes any amount of time.

Was just wondering, should I buy the cambelt separately and take it to a mechanic or are they standard enough and just go with what the mechanic has???

cheers Roy!

As you can tell my knowledge of engines isn't all that amazing.

Is cam belt just another name for the timing belt or is there a difference?

....Engine make car go fast.
You need cambelt,aux belt as well and yes timing belt
Don't forget it's best to do the water pump at the same time.Its not down to do but it cost a fortune if it goes
If you buy your own parts get them from Karl good prices