Buffing by hand for swirl marks


Detailing Dale
Paid Member
Anybody on here had any experience buffing entire car by hand to remove swirl marks?

So far I'm considering getting that Farelca G3 scratch remover stuff and lightly going over whole car to remove swirls and then sealing with a wax.

Found plenty of info online but just thought I'd ask on here if anybody has actually done it themselves.

Never done it myself to be honest, but i have heard it can be very hard work

If you are local to me you are welcome to borrow my Das 6 DA
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To be honest you need to machine polish the paint as its more about breaking down the polish than anything else.
Never done it myself to be honest, but i have heard it can be very hard work

If you are local to me you are welcome to borrow my Das 6 DA

I went out and got some goodies today, so I'm going to give it a shot by hand.

The swirl marks are very very light, so I'm hoping they come out fairly easily!

If I end up completely failing, I may take you up on this offer though mate :thumb:
To be honest you need to machine polish the paint as its more about breaking down the polish than anything else.

Yeah I've heard this is part of the problem doing it by hand! I'm going to attempt it nonetheless (and probably fail miserably!).
There's only so much you can achieve by hand but you should see the improvement

Its could be worth using a product that is full of fillers that will mask (not remove) the remaining before waxing

If you want it perfect then a machine polisher is the way forward
@PAUL JA Yeah machine is best option, but I like a challenge :tongueout:

But if this fails I'll be taking Adam up on his offer to use his :smile:

Yeah I think I saw a few filler products, but I'd rather remove them completely than 'hide' them.
No Problem Dystant, only down side is i have no pads or products left so you may need to buy some

Let me know how you get on
Yeah I'll give you a hand if your local to me, I have a da. Should Adam be too far away. Edit just saw your from Manchester lol!

As above by hand your better using a glaze that will fill, as it's very tough work doing it by hand. Particularly an entire car.
done and wasnt very happy..it simply can not be done by hand..you maybe able to remove some but not a lot..thats the truth Dale..
I'm determined to prove you lot wrong and get an absolutely perfect finish by hand...

In reality I probably won't but it's an excuse to spend some time with the car! :tearsofjoy:
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Megs is good stuff, the swirl x I think it's called is pretty good by hand and to be honest AG SRP is very good by hand