Bikes stolen

Woke up this morning, went to go to work on my bike as I do and saw my garage door wide open! First thought was s*%t the clios been taken, but no thats still sat there in! Both my bikes have been stolen, worth over £2k. I did hear something around half 12 last night when we were watching TV but thought nothing of it.
Insurance company are being really funny, had a bike robbed last year, then made a claim last week for the TV! Who knows how much the insurance will be next year!
Propper gutted
Sorry to hear about it, sound's like you've been so unlucky, seems to be happening more and more in recent times. Hope you get it resolved asap!!
Sorry to hear about this dude. :worried:

Same thing happened to my dad a few years ago, luckliy my brother heard them in the night and woke my dad up who scared them off.

Better off chaining them up during the night, even though its in your garage. Once someone knows they are there its just a matter of time. :worried:

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