big brother chile 2010

aye poor sods. I would have hated that . . . . . . whats the odds on drilling through that gold though? i heard they will all be millionaires?
lmao I know mate. can you imagine. . .. . oh weve hit gold . . .
well the americans arent involved so they should be all alive and well :bat:

+1 to that! Their latest cock up is the British Aid Worker they 'accidentally' killed while trying to save her. Who would have thought you would be better off with the terrorists than the people trying to rescue you!?
+1 to that! Their latest cock up is the British Aid Worker they 'accidentally' killed while trying to save her. Who would have thought you would be better off with the terrorists than the people trying to rescue you!?

all the yanks wars are peppered by "friendly fire" incidents......why use a knife to crack an egg when you can use a cruise missile :bat:

Good luck to the miners!

Afganistan is dangerous enough without sticking a few thousand Yanks in with automatic weapons and missiles! Trigger Happy!!!!!

We should get Mike in and :woody: them!
They'll all get thousands and thousands of pounds in compensation anyway, pretty sure they wont have to worry about money for a while.

EDIT: Plus the fact several of their families are already sueing.

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