Best advert on tv at the moment is....


Platinum Member
This one:


Such a simples advert, but I love it, BIG TIME!!!!

I love Mr Men stories :smile:
Nah the best advert by a long long way has gotta be this one!


Love it!
I like that advert lol! But it doesn't make me laugh like the Mr Happy ones :smile:
This advert ALWAYS used make me cry with laughter...came out in the very early 90's, and never got bored of it:

hove you seen the HTC one? where they bump into eachother thats funny.
I love the T-Mobile one, so good - I love the guys blank expression when the singer starts singing Kaiser Chiefs to him....

Apparently this ad has been around for a while but I only saw it for the first time on Friday night - love it!


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