How the diffuser works:
The diffuser itself does not actually create downforce - it works in conjunction with other aerodynamic components to reduce drag and lift. The upward front-to-back angle of the rear diffuser causes the fast-moving underbody air to expand and slow down. This slower air is then better able to meet up with the slow outside air, thus reducing the amount of turbulence behind the car. The vertical fins are there to make sure that the air at the rear left and right sides do not disturb the function of the diffuser.
When is a diffuser effective:
As a general guideline, the rear diffuser needs to be angled upward at least 10 degrees. In order for a rear diffuser to be effective, the air that travels under the car from the front needs to be as fast and smooth as possible. Slow-moving, turbulent air is not going to help a diffuser do its job.
In order to create the smooth air that the diffuser needs, it is recommended that the car have a flat undertray (a.k.a. underbody) that covers most of the uneven surfaces and components on the cars bottomside. However, production road cars typically do not have, or only partially have, an area that is covered by a flat undertray.
1 foot diffuser and no rear spoiler,sorry boys.just for show.
my corsa vxr diffuser is at 45 again just for show.