Audio idiot.

Was looking at upgrading the HU at some point,now a cd has got jammed in it the time has come.
The only thing is I haven't a clue with this sort of stuff but willing to give it a go.Fancy a Pioneer DEH X6800.
Need the steering wheel controls to work,reading other threads do l need a patch(no idea what this does)do I need a connect 2(no idea what this does)
should I upgrade the speakers(think I know what these do).Sorry about covering old ground but there doesn't seem to be a clear thread on this.
Your connects2 enables you to use your steering wheel controls, and your patch lead tells your controls what make stereo you have. So you have to have both...or you can just not use your wheel controls.

It would also be worth upgrading the speakers as the renault ones are tripe. Pioneer do direct fits for the front, slight bit of modifying for the rears.
Thanks mate,glad you put it in laymens.l take it a patch and connect 2 will have to be Pioneer specific or Renault specific?DOH.
Thanks mate some good knowledge and advice.A couple more questions 1 will I need a harness adapter?2 have you used a dab interior window aerial.