Apple praise

I dropped my iPhone the other week and cracked the screen and it caused the bottom speakers to stop working so I missed calls all the time. I've just come medowhall after seeing vampire weekend last night who were awesome!! I saw an apple store and went in to see if they knew what was wrong with the phone, they asked if it was less than a year old which it was. They sat me down told me to sign a form, then swapped my phone for a brand new one for free!! I couldnt believe it! I've been paying £11.99 a month for 11 months. I tried to claim on that but they wanted me to send my phone off for upto 28 days which Is no good as it's a business phone.

Just thought I'd share it with you all!
Its because you were in Sheffield mate, we're all incredibly friendly and helpful... :chair:

Glad you got a result. :thumbup1:
I had 3 replacement phones from Apple, they are really good.

Were you being sarcastic the Maz? I can't help but think that is a massive contradiction lol!

Just buy a sony and it doesn't break when you drop it. Or a blackberry - Emma left hers in the snow by the car last night and it was still fine in the morning!
No lol being serious.

First time my puppy (Ruby) chewed my two week old phone so I had to pay for that replacement obviously, second time I drooped it and the screen cracked so played dum and they replaced it, third and forth time the bottom where the charger plugs in cracked with the heat and they replaced again FOC no problems at all.

I wouldnt be without my iphone and tbh the iphone 4 is alot better and I think its impossible to smash it ?!?
The glass is meant to be aircraft grade or something like that, apple tell you its not possible to smash it, youtube proves it is possible!
i plugged my 32gb ipod touch into a 24v - 240v transformer on my CRARRV on exercise in canada. burnt it out, and they replaced it for free :smile:
they even sent me the postage paid packaging to send it back with too.
i just told them i plugged it in to charge, and it didn't work afterwords. so only have a good experience with apple up to now....