Akrapovic advice

Hi, I have a decated non res milltek cat back on my 197 and it has quite a flat spot, I am considering buying an akrapovic cat back. Would this need remapped or would it be beneficial on its own? I live too far away from anywhere that could do it properly so this isn't an option. If the akrapovic is the one to go for, what does it sound like compared to others (volume levels)? I have had a KTEC and a milltek previously.

I'm running the Akrapovic evo system and don't find it that loud. Didn't have it remapped and it runs great. Nice volume when giving it the beans but doesn't drone on the motorway.
Evo system removes the cat leaving just the one in the manifold, slip on retains both

I think Chris gained about 6bhp with just the exhaust, not sure about flat spots etc as he had it mapped by RST
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I gained 7 and very impressed with aka Evo system, u pay for what u get not loud Chavy sound at low speed around town and once u get higher up in rev range I rate it better than nur spec r I had on my old Evo 6, I paid 980 fitted at rs tuning and 250 for map in group buy, that would be best way save pennies