After a clean on sat off my Edith

+1. Do love the megs in the grey.

Was chatting with Kev on the phone Tuesday evening, if there is another meet up north and hes heading up, id be tempted to join him and convoy up/back

Yes Steve theres one in the pipeline mate get your self up with Kev you will love these twisty's:thumbsup:
Yes Steve theres one in the pipeline mate get your self up with Kev you will love these twisty's:thumbsup:
Be good to try and arrange something fairly central, see if northern guys would do a little trip down and likewise ones from south a little trip up. One big meet
Keep us informed Mark :smile:
Will do Angel,you wanting to blow the cobwebs of the new turbo!butter tubs/hartside around August 11th,will start a thread next week.
Be good to try and arrange something fairly central, see if northern guys would do a little trip down and likewise ones from south a little trip up. One big meet
I am game for a spin maybe all head for the black mountains,I don't mined traveling long as the roads are good.

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