Adios Gordon Brown!


Platinum Member
Well he's gone now, and the new guy has moved in!

Let the fun begin!

I just heard on the radio that cameron is now prime minister and nick cleft will probably be deputy pm
terrible news!!

Think we're in for a tough time now the skills and calm of Darling have been replaced by errr....Osbourne...

I don't want to encite any arguements but I fear that Cameron will continue to blame Brown for all the bad that is to come under this new leadership.

Dave and his wealthly lords have been paying off the media, billboarding the cities and brainwashing the public with the Brown hate campaign since 2007.

Why should the foul play change now :worried:
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Think we're in for a tough time now the skills and calm of Darling have been replaced by errr....Osbourne...

I don't want to encite any arguements but I fear that Cameron will continue to blame Brown for all the bad that is to come under this new leadership.

Dave and his wealthly lords have been paying off the media, billboarding the cities and brainwashing the public with the Brown hate campaign since 2007.

Why should the foul play change now :worried:

Ye I am with you on that one, his just going to keep saying “give us more time,” etc “we are mopping up Browns mess taxes have to be increased”

Get ready to have to sell your 197s to be able to buy food
Anyone else feel sorry for Gordon when he was giving his speech? Think alot of stuff was just dumped at his feet and the media hated him which didnt do him any favours. Now we have a posh spoon fed **** whos never worked a day in his life. God help us.

Fuel to pass £1.50 p/l
B***h warning!

In my eyes politics has become a game of ego's. And at the moment our country is being run by c***'s with the biggest egos. Cameron needs a smack in the t**'s, and bringing back down to earth as for nick clegg, who ever voted for him to be anywhere near our cabinet?

I thought we were a democracy, last I saw our country has been run by someone we didn't vote in and will continue to be run by people we didn't vote in! It's shocking.

I think it's going to be really interesting watching our contry turn into the next greece etc...
I dont think its going to be all doom and gloom folks. You can say I told you so to me when the trouble actually happens.

Who has ever liked politics anyhow? It doesnt matter who is in power, there will always be someone talking about how sh*te the contry is going to become
For those that could see through the Tory press hate campaign and can see what Brown was trying to do you may want to watch this speech he made at a charity just before the election.

"A fair society, justice for the low paid". "No tax breaks for the richest 3000 people in England, no stamp duty for property under 250k, increase stamp duty on property over 1 mil, finance levies on the banks" etc etc etc

“Wealth must serve more than just the wealthy”, “Fairness and dignity for all”

This was Gordon Browns dream...A man who was the son of a priest, a man who at 14 years old was taken from school because of his almost magical level of intelligence...

5 x grade A A-levels at 15 years old and a 1st Honours Degree at Edinburgh Uni at 16 years old.

In years to come people will look back at the terrible mockery of this man.