3 months and still no sign of my Milltek

I've been waiting for my brand new Milltek cat-back exhaust for 3 months now and still no sign on when and if it will come... I ordered it at an official Milltek dealer for our country and they've been trying to get some more information about my exhaust since then like has it been made, shipped, etc. and at Milltek, they keep saying they don't know anything and that we should check later. The exhaust's already been paid for like 3 months ago via invoice that we DID get.

Has anybody had a similar problem? Is Milltek (company) going to close down or something?
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Phone them up, get your shipment number so you have something to check yourself.
Find out what company was used to deliver it etc.

Id phone them up and demand a refund or another sent out ASAP. 3 months is quite a long time...
Miltek are probably one of the most successful exhaust/tuning companies going, I wouldn't be worrying about them closing down.
OK, murphy... They just rang me up and said that everything is in order and I should get the exhaust next week.

The reason why I was getting so nervous is that I have registration (MOT) in 3 weeks from now and if I don't have the new exhaust on by that time, if will probably fail because this one (the one i currently have installed on my car) is home-made and too loud...

All is in order I guess... I just hope that It'll really come next week!
Did they give you any reason why it's been 3 months? Did you order it online or something and it's been out of stock?

either way, at least it's getting sorted. Nothing worse than waiting for a car part, it's like Christmas
Seems to me like they had an internal mixup. I'm just glad everything is sorted out now and I hope I'll finaly get it next week. I was just a little dissapointed you know, a big trusted company like them, I'd never expect something like this to happen.
Easily happens when they have so many orders coming through. 1 in 1000 or something will experience a bad one. At least it's on it's way :smile: