right, been a while ... no mods since the cambelt change and the installation of the lightweight crankshaft pulley. just trying to keep the car tidy and clean.
and take it on track of course ... had the pleasure of meeting a couple of forum members at spa in april. tom and matt with their track weapons, james and niall with their meganes, micah and kevin in their mk4's, john and chris and ben and ruper in the NA clios and (although very briefly

) ben with his megged clio. micah and james were kind enough to give me a passenger ride. james scared the hell out of me with his mental megane. would have been a real weapon if the weather would have been dry, but even in the wet it went like stink (impressed with his heel and toeing as well, btw). micah too scared the hell out of me ... had more to do with the unorthodox lines he was taking though ... nah, just kidding. was the first time in a mk4 for me and i certainly understand the enthousiasm for them. effortlessly quick cars they are. if only renault would make them with wide arches like the mk3 ... had a couple of really good laps with ruper at the end of the day (still kicking myself i didn't ask you for a passenger ride). enjoyed that very much. hope we can do this again, in better weather, next year. oh, and niall ... thank you for not throwing up in my car ...
two weeks later i took the car to mettet. short track with some cool fast corners. ideal to surprise a couple of elises. always a good feeling when people come up to you and ask what i've done to the engine ... 'erm, nothing' ... or what suspension i'm running ... 'erm, stock' ... confusion on their faces is priceless.
two photos. first (crappy phone) one is at the end of the spa trackday. blue one is ruper's, white mk4 is micah's, red one is benno's, white megane is niall's (i think), mk2 megane is ian's and you can just about see matt's black one on the left.
second one is from mettet. also at the end of a great day.
car didn't miss a beat on both occasions. can only hope it stays that way for the rest of the year.
next trackday, hopefully at the end of the month. spa again. fingers crossed for dry weather ...