200 instrument panel on 197


Paid Member
Hello there, I had a look around the forum and I couldn't find an answer hence the new thread. Apologies if this has been mentioned before. So I'm thinking to swap the 197 clocks for the 200 (not bothered about the beep). Is it a plug and play job? Any How To for how to take the dials out? And most importantly, are the mileage saved on the ECU or the dials? If it is the dials then that's a problem:worried:
Thanks a lot! Any input much appreciated!
its been done - there is a thread somewhere - they were changed under warranty and fitted a 200 clocks - maybe worth having a word with a dealer on costs etc

if i get chance will have a look for the thread...
Thanks foxspeed, the only thread I managed to find is this


but it doesn't mention if it's a plug and play job or where the mileage is saved (in case you fit second hand 200 clocks). I suppose I could call the dealers and ask them for a quote(+fitting) but I don't want to charge me around £400 just for the part whereas I can find a used one for much less:smile:
The mileage is saved to the clocks not the ECU.

Just google "clocking mileage" and use any of the companies that offer this. Its not illegal FYI and just ask them to match your 197 mileage to the new 200 mileage. As tempting as it is to loose a couple of thousand your crossing into fraud terratory if your service / MOT mileage then suddnely no longer adds up :smiley:
that was good to know Sargara thanks for that!. All i need now is a how to or maybe someone could recommend a place where I could go and have this work done? Thanks:smile:
Thanks foxspeed, the only thread I managed to find is this


but it doesn't mention if it's a plug and play job or where the mileage is saved (in case you fit second hand 200 clocks). I suppose I could call the dealers and ask them for a quote(+fitting) but I don't want to charge me around £400 just for the part whereas I can find a used one for much less:smile:

thats the one :book:

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