197 help plz

Right guys one to pick ur brains lol .. Iv got a 56 plate 197 cup milleage is 50k i brought the car in oct 2010 from renault delearship warranty is up in end of aprill wereas mot is up end of this year .. Is it worth taking an extended warranty out ?? Because i wanted to add manifold exhaust etc but obz if i do that the warranty is void .. Need opions on what people think as i dont know what to do many thanks yeah :smile:
If the car has been well looked after and you've not had any problems then I wouldn't bother with the extended warranty. I didn't take it out on mine and *rushes to touch wood* I've not had any issues upto now. If you're planning on a doing a few mods then you'd risk invalidating the warranty anyways like you said so in that case it'd be money for nothing... Plus the cost of the extension might pay for some goodies instead. :smile:
Mine is coming up to 5 years old and is better now than when I bought it. Admittedly i've spent several thousand maintaining and upgrading but as long as you service the car and warm the car up before giving it hell you'll be fine