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  1. EthanMenace

    High Pitch Whining Noise

    Pretty sure I get the same noise from the throttle body, not caused me any issues yet.
  2. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    I did a brief check to see if there were any loose bolts or rivets missing from the plate but my process was essentially: the clutch is still here. nice
  3. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    Ok, I’ll try that next. It probably is me doing something wrong, it was still drivable before I tried bleeding it again :chair:
  4. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    There was an o ring missing, we managed to grab a few from a garage but then with the valve closed and the metal clip on, the pressure from pressing the clutch pedal seems pretty harsh and just fires the line off the slave. I’ve tried bending the clip a bit but doesn’t seem to be helping. I...
  5. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    Asking for a friend… Why would brake fluid squirt out of the clutch bleed point even with the valve closed/clip in. The car worked fine and was a bit crunchy, tried to bleed it again, some dirty looking stuff came out, put it back together and now it squirts out when it should be closed
  6. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    Looking forward to getting them fitted!
  7. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    Thanks for the tip! I’ll double check the wheel weights when it all goes on. What difference did you find? Having never experienced it I’m just assuming bigger means more heat dissipation. Does it feel different as well?
  8. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    Not that I didn’t believe you, but it made a bigger difference than I thought it would :tearsofjoy:
  9. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    For sure, we’ll see how it holds up tomorrow
  10. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    We were running 75W-80 before the box came out. Alex suggested it looked like it had been getting quite hot so to try out some 110 or 140
  11. EthanMenace

    Power tool recommendations please

    I use a cheap ryobi impact, perfectly good enough for a driveway mechanic. Very rarely do I come across a nut/bolt it won’t crack off
  12. EthanMenace

    Wishbone part?

    It will be lower arm suspension balljoint, that one is threaded in rather than pressed in.
  13. EthanMenace

    CLIO 197 CUP - Project TF

    I’ve had the Subframe off loads of times but this is the first time i’ve removed the gearbox without pulling the engine as well
  14. EthanMenace

    A/C delete kit

    Pretty much yes
  15. EthanMenace

    A/C delete kit

    I believe @RSRowe had lots of issues with the ktec one snapping bolts. I've had the PMS one fitted for a while and its been fine, easy to fit and can get replacement pulleys/bearings easily. I also had the cup one which came on my old Clio cup which was also fine, only issue was I couldn't...
  16. EthanMenace

    CLIO 197 CUP - Project TF

    Pretty straight forward. How I did it: undo steering column bolt in the footwell, Hub nuts, bottom ball joint/wishbone nut, drop link nut, anti rotation link nut, subframe brace, lower engine mount, rear most subframe support bracket bolts, unplug electrical connector on steering rack then a...
  17. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    That's worrying
  18. EthanMenace

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    That's the plan, I've only ever removed the gearbox with the engine out of the car so it will be a learning experience...
  19. EthanMenace

    Both of my wipers have stopped working

    I've a similar intermittent issue with the screen wash and it ended up being the stalk, all the other functions were fine it just randomly wouldn't spray.
  20. EthanMenace

    GW 200 CUP (clubsport->racecar->v2)

    Looking forward to seeing what you build next.