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  1. montana

    change tyres round

    The point is ... assuming your rear tyres are unlikely to wear out just on the rear (fwd car) , they are more likely to hit the 6 year expiry and start cracking meaning you have to replace them anyway. May aswell rotate them to the front and get more wear out of them , put new ones on the rear...
  2. montana

    change tyres round

    Providing you have somewhere flat to do the jacking I would invest in the trolley Jack and axle stands , you only have to Jack your car up a few times and it's paid for itself. Plus other maintenance jobs can be done saving you more money.
  3. montana

    change tyres round

    Yes - i rotate tyres, new ones go on the rear and then swap to front when front wear down. You can jack the clio at the front and also lift the rear wheel off the ground when you get it high enough (use an axle stand too!), can easily swap front and rear then.
  4. montana

    Piston wont go back in

    Providing it goes straight in, some force is normally needed to help it home.
  5. montana

    Mot failed.

    Use some high temp sealant on the join too. Exhaust putty and the like isn't the best.
  6. montana

    Piston wont go back in

    Yeah, push and twist - all at the same time. It's easier with the proper tool rather than pliers ,can get more weight behind it.
  7. montana

    Mk5 R32 mitchell197

    Love the sound they make, nice vid too.
  8. montana

    Stress marks in paint/minor bump

    I would say respray , it may eventually flake off.
  9. montana

    Stress marks in paint/minor bump

    I would say that's down to the painter , they should have blended it better into the panel rather than doing just a bumper in isolation.
  10. montana

    Stress marks in paint/minor bump

    Fire some pics up, should be easier to tell then. When washing my car my front bumper had become dislodged like you mentioned - must have been nudged by someone, luckily it just clipped back in - both a +ve and -ve as its probably the reason why it popped out in the first place. Not sure on...
  11. montana

    197 climate control doesn't change temperature? (Only blows cold at lowest)

    Had this on my 182, needed a new climate control unit which fixed the problem and was a cheap fix.
  12. montana

    Ideas for a private number plate?

    RS 07 MEG would be my pick
  13. montana

    Montanas Deep Black 197

    Yes , I am looking forward to blyton. My mate is bringing his FN2 Type R too so that will be interesting with all the Renault's
  14. montana

    Montanas Deep Black 197

    Just for you Pav
  15. montana

    Aftermarket Exhaust advice

    Although not in your list , I am very happy with my non res milltek. Not too intrusive at all.
  16. montana

    Montanas Deep Black 197

    215/45/17 nexen n8000 on the rear and champiro hpy on the front.
  17. montana

    Montanas Deep Black 197

    Forgot about that stuff! - just ordered 500ml as a tester , will give the WD a try out of curiousity though.