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  1. Surrey-Paul

    Connects2 for Clio197

    There is a setting in the setup on my HU (IDA-X305) enable/disable type thing. Had to enable that, but I thought even before I'd enabled that the display changed after it was wired up. In fact mine always show's renault & small clock/temp even if HU is off, only way of getting large clock/temp...
  2. Surrey-Paul

    Melting steering wheel update

    Roy's spot on, as i collected so no delivery cost
  3. Surrey-Paul

    Cornering speeds.....

    Starts from a few hundred and goes up from there, also depends if you use known drivers as well, but to start with you can use the standard track guys. Just go to you nearest race circuit's website details usually up there about it.
  4. Surrey-Paul

    Cornering speeds.....

    tyre pressures just as important as the quality of tyre itself. Also recommend getting some track driver training, most circuits offer this plus best bit is the knowledge and skill you learn there you'll take with you whatever car you drive :) Best money I've ever spent in the past
  5. Surrey-Paul

    cleaning seat belts

    yep, crystal clear ;) - what i was thinking of doing to get best results, so good it's tried and tested re. step 4. now knowing renault the metal on the seatbelt clips will prob. start to rust :rofl: if they get wet
  6. Surrey-Paul

    cleaning seat belts

    Giles, are you saying you've done this and it worked? if so did sponge on or removed and soaked them?
  7. Surrey-Paul

    Cornering speeds.....

    Love the way these cars are setup, made use of the lift off oversteer on a sharp left hander the other day, big grin entertainment. I decided to send my H&R springs back as will going with the cup shocks/springs instead as was thinking I'd prob. ruin the cars setup by fitting 3rd party stuff...
  8. Surrey-Paul

    Top Gear India Special tonight

    Couldn't agree more the mini was mint & so it looks like the BBC have destroyed another top program, wonder if their budget for this was 1000 rupees which was why they didn't want to pull the emergency cord as in previous specials woudl've been somehting they would have done for a laugh
  9. Surrey-Paul

    cleaning seat belts

    My belts looking grubby as well, been thinking about what to use on them as well. Was thinking about removing the belts from car and then unwinding so that I could then put entire belt in and soak in bowl of some cleaning product like normal washing powder/liquid etc.
  10. Surrey-Paul

    McAfee Site Warnings

    I love the bit about them saying when they visited the site it exhibited risky behavour Since I've been a member I've been on here loads and not once have i encountered system instability or had my details hacked etc.etc. Yet more corporate security company scare mongering (check their reasons...
  11. Surrey-Paul

    Top Gear India Special tonight

    BBC do have some clueless management, they keep rubbish programs going which no one cares about & then all their cash cows they send to the slaughter as it were
  12. Surrey-Paul

    197 connects 2 steering wheel control.

    I didn't have to do anything special other than ensure it was plugged into the dashboard connectors and not the default under seat ones that i had with my cabbasse 6 disk system as the underseat extensions have been modified and not true din anymore Is it 197 or 200 as 200 has different...
  13. Surrey-Paul

    Top Gear India Special tonight

    BBC2 8pm, India Special, was wondering what had happened to their christmas special for this year and perfect as pretty much nothing else on tonight