Recent content by Phenom

  1. Phenom

    Cambelt and Water Pump Change

    I don't have any recommendation for the area but will say if you going to get the belts and pump done you might as well throw the extra bit of money to get the dephaser done also to save needing it later
  2. Phenom

    Going to inspect a Clio 3 RS 197 for purchase, have some questions

    Milage is stored in the clocks when you swap clocks the milage stays with them, I know using the Renault Clip software you make the milage bigger, but you cannot make it smaller. I don't know if the actual ECU keeps its own record of milage separate to what the clocks display so you can find...
  3. Phenom

    Going to inspect a Clio 3 RS 197 for purchase, have some questions

    Have the climate control and the grey callipers makes me think it’s a standard model 197, as you can get a cup but that has no A/c, no steering adjustment I think, and red callipers. But it's not uncommon to replace callipers and the grey ones are a more available than the red ones when it comes...
  4. Phenom

    Going to inspect a Clio 3 RS 197 for purchase, have some questions

    1. I think what you're looking for is between the oil filter and the gearbox on the engine. quite low down not sure you'll be able to get a look on it to check the numbers. 2. Same as above regarding belts being done, I'd go lock to lock on the steering wheel while stationary and listen for any...
  5. Phenom

    Maidens1979 Clio 200 - clubsport build

    Yeah gave it a download on my phone and it has a little test to see if it's accurate and said my phone isn't up to the task. Very tempting purchase cos I hate the old string sure I can find an old iPhone somewhere
  6. Phenom

    Maidens1979 Clio 200 - clubsport build

    Do you use iPhone or Android? As curious if their app determined your phone to be accurate enough if it's Android
  7. Phenom

    Twingo Clioengine Conversion

    Will drop Chris a message
  8. Phenom

    Twingo Clioengine Conversion

    I've seen a few Twingos with a F4R when scrolling Instagram and fb and it's got me wanting to build one. I posted this same question over on a Twingo forum asking if anyone had done the conversion but had no replies. I'm assuming this swap is slightly more complex than the meg swap into a clio...
  9. Phenom

    CL10 CYA project

    I did have a hunt and I have a 674661 unfortunately but good luck with the rest of the project
  10. Phenom

    CL10 CYA project

    Which UPC are you hunting for? I know I have an extra one kicking somewhere, I can have a hunt and see which part number is on it
  11. Phenom

    197 exhausts

    Yep these will work You will have the cat/Decat pipe in between these two pieces they dont lkink directly together
  12. Phenom

    2010 Clio CUP - UPC

    I've got one from a CUP packed "full fat" 200 I can get a pic of in my lunch break in a couple of hours
  13. Phenom

    Clio 3 Yellow Dot Recaros into Mk2

    Well they definately are not a straight swap ‍ I'm not too great with interior stuff so I might be missing a trick but I unbolted the yellow dots from floor my old early 200 and unbolted the trendlines from my Meg from the floor. And lining up the yellow dots into the Meg it seems they are an...
  14. Phenom

    Clio 3 Yellow Dot Recaros into Mk2

    I asked this question over at but got no answer so hopefully someone here can help me. Does anyone know somewhere I can get base or an adapter made up to fit the set of yellow dot Recaros out of my Clio 200 into my R26. I was hoping they would be a straight swap but the...
  15. Phenom

    R26 Advice

    Thanks for the advice. Defo going to go look at the 7600 one. Hopefully as good as it looks online