Recent content by Paul_D

  1. Paul_D

    keyless handle sensor

    I need a sensor and microswitches for mine so please share if you find a solution. I can't even explain how annoying it was when my key card wouldn't work either!
  2. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    Bought a part for the clio a couple of weeks ago. It's definitely not going to help with the steering issue but long term plans and all that. Could have replaced all the suspension for the price of it .
  3. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    I stumbled on a post on where someone had cured loose steering by fitting new anti rotation links so I figured it would be worth a shot as I was still using the car daily and it really didn't feel like I should have been. New febi bilbo ones fitted and the old ones were indeed...
  4. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    Wales was great, England not so much. On my way home I was calling into see a mate who was over from America and staying only 50 miles from where we were. The route was quite nice with some nicely twisting roads, although the surface was substantially worse than the Welsh roads! No wonder the...
  5. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    More later, struggling with uploading pics atm.
  6. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    Wales never disappoint's. If you enjoy driving and ever need to get away from the daily grind a few days exploring Wales is highly recommended. This time we booked a cottage for the duration which was so much better than racing from one booking to the next and gave us plenty of options for...
  7. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    After removing the airbag the car felt odd going to work. There was a huge dead spot in the steering which was worryingly noticeable on roundabouts. The only thing I'd done since the day before was turn the steering wheel 180° so I could see the hole for the airbag catch. So starting at the top...
  8. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    After the recent work on the car I still had a few new parts that needed fitting. It had a knock from the front that I thought would be the top mount and if I was doing those I may as well fit new dampers too. I'd read the guides on here saying to remove the damper and hub assembly as one and...
  9. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    I was worried it was going to die when I saw the temp gauge through the roof, that would have been the end of my relationship with Renault for sure. In hindsight maybe that would have been a blessing :tearsofjoy:.
  10. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    So panicking I asked Mick if he could try get it mot'd and he managed to get the garage near him to do it, but as and when they could on Saturday. I woke up at 9am to an email from Mick saying it had failed . Reg plate lamp is the stupidist fail ever imo, the f**king reg plates are reflective...
  11. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    So While the pearl was sat after the clutch problem all the fluid escaped and the clutch pedal fell to the floor with only a glance at it. The 182 passed its MOT on Feb 24th and resumed daily duties while the pearl was abandoned. Unfortunately it didn't last long! on April 19th after a long...
  12. Paul_D

    Paul's Pearl

    Hello, I'm still alive and so is the pearl! I did think about getting rid of it but I just can't. It's getting put in the garage soon and a load of new parts fired at it and it will be more of a weekend car after that so I'll try to keep the thread updated as that progresses. There's some...
  13. Paul_D

    New member.

    Those aren't renault recaros, they look like corsa vxr one's.
  14. Paul_D

    Radiator fan woes

    Garage sorted my fan out for me. Apparently there was a broken wire from a relay next to the battery. He said the loom loops pretty tight under the relays and one had broken there. They fitted a new thermostat too and I had no issues on a tour of Wales enjoying the car to it's fullest.
  15. Paul_D

    Knock knock, steering?

    Didn't get alignemt checked this morning. Garage was booked for yesterday not tomorrow and I didn't get the car back until this afternoon. Best laid plans and all that eh! Currently no knocking but still vagueness about straight ahead.