Question about the rev limiter.

I noticed a while back that the rev limiter is about 500 rpms lower than usual when the car is cold. And now a friend of mine with a 197 claims that on his the rev limiter is the same whether it's cold or not... What about yours?
Mine is limited in the cold! I assume it's like that so u can't red line it when it's cold and wreck your engine
I noticed a while back that the rev limiter is about 500 rpms lower than usual when the car is cold. And now a friend of mine with a 197 claims that on his the rev limiter is the same whether it's cold or not... What about yours?

Cold + rev limiter :blink::blush:mg:
I noticed a while back that the rev limiter is about 500 rpms lower than usual when the car is cold. And now a friend of mine with a 197 claims that on his the rev limiter is the same whether it's cold or not... What about yours?

Not sure what you mean, are you talking about the maximum rev limit when cold or idle speed?

If the first one then I would not recommend taking your car to the limit when cold, will not do any harm short term but will long term.
Thanks for the responses guys, i got one more question , is the rev limiter different from gear to gear on yours too?

Because on mine, its 7.250 for 2nd 7.350 for 3rd ,7500 4th etc..
Thanks for the responses guys, i got one more question , is the rev limiter different from gear to gear on yours too?

Because on mine, its 7.250 for 2nd 7.350 for 3rd ,7500 4th etc..

i must admit, mine seems to hold longer in 3rd, probs longer than the other gears to be honest, duno, mite jus be me lol :drunk:
I never drive any vehicle above 3500rpm when the engine is cold - even the work van that I don't care about much! It just damages the engine and isn't worth it. My Clio has the same thing, different gears max out at different revs. 2nd seems to be the lowest, I hit the limiter sometimes when I forget!