Which Fuel?

Whats the difference, beside the price, between running Super Unleaded (including V-Power, Momentum etc.) and normal Unleaded? Is there a noticeble power difference? More chance of knocking?

My understanding is you should use 98 upwards because the compression ratio is pretty high. Running on 95 causes the ECU to EDIT:retard ignition to avoid knocking, resulting in less power/efficiency.

I've done a couple of solid months on V-power, and I'm on my way through my second tank of 99 at the moment to compare. Been getting 2mpg less but have no idea if that's because I've been giving it more of the good beans. I've not been very scientific.
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Yeah i tried a search, but just seemed to give me pages and pages of the wrong stuff :/

Think i'll stick to the Super as long as my wallet can hold out then
Someone at work once said "What's 3bhp, you can lose that by putting sh*t fuel in"...

Does this "better" fuel give proven power gains?
The engine management should adapt, best to stick with one or the other though.

I've noticed and have noted many others comment the car runs and feels better on 98+ octane fuel though.
You can't really look at it as gains, engines with high compression ratios are designed to run on high octane fuel. So by using the fuel they're designed for it's more like avoiding losses.
You wouldnt feed Usain Bolt on Burgers so why put crap petrol in your car for the sake of a fiver a tank
I was using normal when I bought the car, in a month's' car i had the engine management light flashing quite often. I took it to 2 separate dealers, one said it was a misfire due to dodgy spark plugs and the other that the fuel injectors needed reprogramming. I did none of those, changed the fuel to super unleaded, job done:smile: never saw the light come on since then
My understanding is you should use 98 upwards because the compression ratio is pretty high. Running on 95 causes the ECU to advance ignition to avoid knocking, resulting in less power/efficiency.

I've done a couple of solid months on V-power, and I'm on my way through my second tank of 99 at the moment to compare. Been getting 2mpg less but have no idea if that's because I've been giving it more of the good beans. I've not been very scientific.

The reverse... is will retard the ignition if poor fuel is used. :thumbsup:
You can't really look at it as gains, engines with high compression ratios are designed to run on high octane fuel. So by using the fuel they're designed for it's more like avoiding losses.

So renault were wrong to put a 95RON or 98RON sticker inside the fuel flap?
So renault were wrong to put a 95RON or 98RON sticker inside the fuel flap?

its the grade range it will happily run on...

as said the ecu will adapt to better higher octane fuel and advance timing as required and so increase engine torque:thumbsup:

in normal driving you probably wont notice a lower octane fuel only when giving it the full beans would you notice/feel any difference
I think they put 95 on the fuel flap to show there's a minimum that can be used, but 98 should be displayed as the best for the car.

It's like that in my Mazda says 98 minimum. If you read the handbook it says you can run it on 95, but only for short periods and performance will be effected. So I only ever run it on 99.
What if you run it on 95 everyday but only slap in a full tank of 98/99 when you want to give it the beans one weekend. Would you/the ecu notice the difference straight away and adapt?

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