you got to love them

Roy legend
just been to sainsburys to do the shopping with the wife
park the car up the corner where its nice and safe.
come back and theres a group of lads in there nice
little cars with radios screaming and the 1 in the rust colour
punto ask the wife is there any chance of a race round the car park
because he thinks he can DO your car cus his is supped up
wife says PI-- OFF **** gets in the car leaving me standing
there peeing my self laughing. loved it
I dunno how to take these at times sometimes i want to say okay mate go for it lol
lmao ive done some crazy things in the past trying to show off. like TC off and smoke the tyres away . . .. . . . im a chav at times :smile:
lmao yeah most of the time im just happy they havnt vandalised it lol. it does get respect.
yeh the others were just sayin things like
love it, want 1,is it fast,nice motor mr
you bit old for 1 of them lol cheeky git