Warm CD's . . .

Weird problem in my 197 headunit, standard.

Driving for like 3 hours down south, and my CD "err cd" on display and ejected itself, it was very hot!

So I changed over to another CD and it played for around 5 tracks before, doing the same - today I been out on a short drive and all seems fine.

Anyone ever had this?
I've only ever had this when using copied CDs. I think its to do with the copy process not burning the disc correctly, thus the laser having to work overtime and ultimately overheating!
The whole of the center console on the Clio gets very hot, especially if you have the heater on. I've never had it happen to me though.
Ive had it before trying to do a t/day with cd playing, every bump made the CD skip and then it went "beep" and ejected. CD was very hot too.
My CD's always get hot too, not really a problem but then I have never had it ejected before.
Ive had it before trying to do a t/day with cd playing, every bump made the CD skip and then it went "beep" and ejected. CD was very hot too.

What CD was it tchaikovsky???? :wink:

I have also had this, mine skips alot when I hit a bump. Which is quite often! :swear:
I thought is was Brach's third symphony in D minor, at least thats what it was last time.... :lol:

Mine has only ever skipped after getting airbourne on the 'tubs LOL!