red wheels

IMHO I think without other mods it will not look good. Maybe with cup spoiler, lowered, painted brake calipers and a cage, but otherwise think it will just look like a standard car with red wheels lol. Just my personal opinion though. If you wana be brave and go for it then do it! Might prove me wrong!!
It'll look like something out of Redline.
Chav to the maximum.

This was popular on the Saxo scene back in the day.
Says it all really.
IMHO I think without other mods it will not look good. Maybe with cup spoiler, lowered, painted brake calipers and a cage, but otherwise think it will just look like a standard car with red wheels lol. Just my personal opinion though. If you wana be brave and go for it then do it! Might prove me wrong!!

+1 :jedi:
As people have all ready said I think if your gonna go down that road its in for a penny in for a pound mate. You'd need painted calipers, spoilers, splitters, cage etc. That way it would look like a purposeful choice rather than a spare set of wheels you just stuck on lol

All my opinion though, do whatever you want lol :smiley:
I'm sure there was thread on here last week where someone ahd photoshopped some red wheels onto a silver clio, i thought it looked quite good. Can't seem to find the thread though :worried:
^^^ Gah, sorry, I don't like that.

Might look a bit better on a silver car but, I'm in the ''not without supporting mods/colour-coding'' camp I'm afraid.
Would look better with few other additions like cup spoiler, maybe lowered. Oh and no red calipers. But i like the idea!